Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Just in case anyone is also suffering from a cold or even flu, here's a little energyboost recepie:

-one cup of cranberrys.
-half a cup of honey.
-and garlic (or onion.. as you prefer)  as much as you like. (but not more than a half a cup, i think, unless you'd like it really gingery (: )

I had one slice of lemon, two pieces of garlic and a half of a smaller ginger-root.

Mix it all together in a blender and voila! Done.
I just ate it with a spoon during the day, or with pancakes, or bread.
I got this recepie from my mom, to get better soon.

The best way to store cranberrys is in water and in the refigirator, not without the water in the freezer, because they could dry out there (yes, stuff dires aslo in the cold).

Hope you're good!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Oo christmastree!
A few weeks ago i was busy making these little crochet snowflakes. It was a bit addictive :) but im fine now. Our tree came on friday from the supermarket, but it is never the less amazing. We have never had a whole tree in the house before (at our parents places yes, but not here with us) so it's extra great! I hope i can have a better photo of it soon.

My nose is still not better, neither is Juss's, but we're still on the xmas-rollercoaster... like it or not. But yesterday was actually nice, my great-aunt had her 85th birthdayparty in a pub :) I try as much as i can to ignore my health and just enjoy being with people. Im not sure if it's a good idea. In the long run. Still, im hoping for the best. Drinking a lot of tea and water, eating garlic (mmm!) and ginger, keeping my legs warm in woolsocks.. the usual routine :)

Wish me luck! Stay healthy! And enjoy the holidays!  

Friday, December 21, 2012

Hello again from the winterprisoners! 

Some people are like vitamin C and i wish i could take a tablet every day ! :)
Thank you Mihkel for visiting us during this really cold time. Check out his funny project and other work! I loved how he just asked me bluntly "and what now?" "what's your project?" "where's your work?". I needed to hear that from a person who knows me for a long-long time, has seen me bloom and has seen me fall appart. Someone who knows my strong and weak sides, but is not too close to get his fingers burned, when i don't like what i hear. After our talk i felt, that i've been hibernating for too long, honestly, it's been going on for years, i think. Even before we moved to France for a year. Unbelivable!
Among many other things, we talked about something called the 30 day challenge and different ways to take more out of ones life. I feel so inspired and glad that now i can step into the next year with a brave mindset. I also found this lady in youtube, talking about taking action, getting motivated. Sometimes it's just needed that someone not only tells you to do it, but also gives the little steps that need to be taken, to get there in the first place.

A lot will be going on now: Granny is in town, the new wardrobe has arrived in the shop and is waiting to get picked up. And tomorrow the christmas-rollercoaster will begin. And all i want is just... . You know. 

I started two 30 day challenges: one is adding something to my life (and hopefully will help me to make a point :P), the second one is limiting something. It's a nice combo for now. I'll tell you later, what it was and how it went.

And for you i have a 30 day challenge aswell: read a different poem every day for 30 days.
Highly educational? Highly inspirational? What do you think? Doable? 

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

About the tree.
My grand idea was to go with Juss to the market and just buy one. Simple.
But as it's so cold outside, -12C (nearing -20 soon), adding the strong wind, it's not possible to make this trip. We are officially grounded. By the weather. Someone asked friends in facebook, if they should go out today and all responses were negative. Looking out the window... it's a shame, the light was gorgeous for photographs. Sparkling frost.

I'll just punish myself with christmastea and gingerbread and chocolate, okay!? :)

Do You have a tree at home?

EDIT: OH! I forgot to mention: Martins sister, same age as me, just got her truckdriving licence! So if you see a blond, slim girl, dressed in pink, driving a truck, it's probably my sister-in-law :D

Sunday, December 16, 2012


We might as well go by the name family Schnupfen now.
As Martin arrived from Australia to a winter (horror)wonderland, with the main highway not really being in order and all busses being booked, getting a cold was no problem at all. So for one week  - one man down, second week  - two men down. But inbetween we had some time to go to look for a christmastree!
A breath of fresh cold air, the magnificent silence and all that snow! It would've been just a nice walk, a bit emotional with the tree and all, but an average still... unless, i don't fall into a creek. Or me and Martin both fall in!? It's exactly what happend. Then i lost the digital camera.... so we had to look for it... in the knee deep snow.... and found it! Martin did. 
A difficult adventure, like  Martins nephew said. Happyness came with hot tea and dry socks. Meanwhile was my sister-in-law on her way to a party and asked me to do her hair. Since i like braiding, it was nice.
But the tree we got ended up in the oven. So. Still no christmastree. I do hope we get one. Soon!
I already have some ideas. He..

Sunday, December 2, 2012

We have sunshine! Everything is under a white blanket!

This week is almost over - what a ride! From super stressed and worried and upset to happy-happy-joy-joy!
My stresslevel rose to it's max on monday, 'cos of a misdialed number. Don't ask, but there are apparently people out there, who have no idea how to be polite, when someone calls a wrong number. Maybe it's because the rudest person i know, usually, is myself, that i was so shoked about it. 
Only on wednesday granny and i felt settled in about living here together for a week, we are both not so great at acclimatization when it comes to sharing personal space. But in the end we managed nicely, it just took some days to get there. 

Martin is finally back and right after he arrived (he ought to arrive some time after noon, but cos of the snow and all it turned out later) we had tickets to a play. My mom looked after Juss, who selpt most of the time, and we had some quality time in a best sence. The play was totally heartwarming and well acted and directed. It felt so weird being out whitout my baby, like i had forgotten something to take with me. But i was able to enjoy it also, since he was in good hands after all.

Today we're going to buy i new baby-stroller, since Juss barely fits in the old carriage. He is soo tall! And handsome! and all smiles!  And im being totally objective here :D

Enjoy the sunday!