Felting a dinosaur at the moment. That's what you do when you accidentally buy too much the stuff... 500 g of raw wool is a big bag of wool. Didn't see that coming. How did it happen? I'll tell you the next time we're having tea, or coffee :)
Two months with two little ones. Hm. Wow. This Monday driving back form the music class for toddlers, it was obvious, that the way we arrive and how we get back and even the time in the class... we're getting better at it with each try. I've been going out with the kids every day now. Conquering steep hills of different kind, getting the best out of playgrounds and the old-town. Quality time. Catching birds, carrying twigs and looking and looking around. There's a bit snow left from Wednesday. Is this the snow he'll remember?
Many suggestions, many thoughts about it have been circling around my mind, but as i sit down to write them, i feel that felting that dinosaur is more important. But then again i don't want to forget that it was and is sometimes a difficult task. Parenting. There are times when i feel like a diplomat in crisis situation, when both of them cry at the same time. And then there are these super sweet moments when Juss gives his sandwich to his little brother to eat, or his favorite toy car for him to play with, so he wouldn't cry.
Advice to give..? I probably will forget the back-pain and those aching wrists and look back in awe of how adorable and sweet and smart they were already when so little. It makes sense. Because we're meant to remember the important and the good.
If your'e a new mom and having a hard time, then know: You are a good mother. Even when sad, or frustrated, or helpless, or confused. You're good. Embrace yourself. You are a beautiful being. It's a difficult journey letting go of ones ego, making those compromises, but so is any quest to a new self.
Im heading back to my dinosaur, or maybe going to bed.. ?
Dinosaur. Can't sleep unless i finish - "so silly of me" i'll be saying tomorrow morning ;)