Friday, May 30, 2014

I predicted that the heatwave would only last until the due-date for the turning in of BA and MA papers, and i was right. A bit sad to have the sky so grey again, but for a change, why not. That's Estonian summer: +30 on Monday, +10 on Wednesday.
So be prepared!
Planning our August event is therefore "a bit" tricky. Indoors? Outdoors? Both? How much it'll be?  And plenty of "what-if'"s.

But life is cool. Very cool. And this blog will also be quite the amount of coolness starting September. 

So who else has planned a wedding in less than three months? All advice... send it out to me!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Spring-spring-spring, you're driving me nuts. After tree lipsticks, a batman-cap and a pair of silly shoes - it's still not quite what i wanted. Just fitting into the statistics. But i can't help it: after four hours of insane mathematics with two very tired and therefore angry babies and a cookie for lunch, it just happens. Well, Monday +30C they say. 

As for the week, i say it was an okay week. We had fever, tears and fears and all good the next day, went to see a play (Wednesday Martin, Thursday me ;the same play so we could talk about it later), which was incredibly funny, cooked and baked, cut some hair, replanted my tomato-plants, had a massage, which was relaxing only to my aching back, but my pain receptors were killing it (im not sure if it wasn't even more painful, than giving birth,..., not sure, i say), failed an exam, and so forth. Caught myself thinking how i wish kids could cry like kittens miaow, because it would be so much more bearable at times - that must be the 2 years of no sleep talking. So. What have you done this week?

Like a character of black books (minus the cigarette)