Sunday, June 24, 2012

Oh, already June? update.

It's Jaanipäev, or Midsummer. Yesterday was the night where the sun never sets. The sunset went directly to being the sunrise. And as a tradition of the weather here... it rained the whole day. The day before was a brigt sunny day, the day after almost too.
Its a night where people grill outside, make a fire, eat and drink .. a bit too much. (Here's a clip from the estonian new years programm "tujurikkuja", translates into something like "moodkiller" perhaps. A lot of selfironi: the estonian police thanked (officially) this show sincerely for doing this).

Martin is in Canada and my mom is here to help me out. Well, i can't say i don't enjoy the breakfast-lunch- dinner routine. It's been a while since eating three times a day was possible :) (or needed).
Grandma is totally enchanted by our little one and so chatty, that i bearly keep up. When Juss is asleep i think she feels  a bit bored :). Hopefully the more time we spend together the more content she'll get.

I have been meaning to write also about Martins phd. defence and so one, but i think i wait until i have also some pictures to acompany the writing. Guess it'll be more interesting.

Also i've been thinking to write a german post about pregnancy and birth, because there have been questions asked and also because i feel that what i learned and experienced is worth some sharing. Juss's birht was short in time, totally meditatious and not that painful (as some women prepared me to, whit a smirk on their face - really mean). It was teamwork, wiht carefully chosen team-members, luck and the largest moon of the century in the sky that night. Hm, maybe not just in german.

 I cant wait for Martin to return and to finally have a vacation. Beacause of phd and the conference and million other obligations the family-time has been measured by hours and half-weekends. But oh how i want a week! ;)

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