Tuesday, June 24, 2014

While Martin was getting our birthday-gift for his uncles birthday, i stayed in the car with two tired kiddos and a radio-program about pre wedding traditions (i think, i might be mistaken!) by the ancient Native Americans. They were rituals of becoming adults to get married. Since i was easily distracted, i didn't get it all: The girl had to perform a 6 hour lasting dance in which she was not allowed to cry or to get angry or emotional, since that would indicate her being that way in her married life later on. After 6 hours she would be massaged and had to dance again. The boy was sent to the woods to find a revelation that would guide his way through life. Usually in a form of an animal or a bird this would appear (out of exhaustion and hunger the reporter said). Bits and pieces from what i heard.
What got me thinking was, that the girls journey to adulthood was a social one in my opinion, as a dance is a performance. How well she can do in a social situation, under pressure, under everyone's eyes? The boys ritual was more about nature and a man's place in it. 
Martin pointed out that men are hunters, but i disagree in this case, since the boy is not going hunting to bring something back, which would be a social thing to do, something for the community, but is there for his own growth and self-realization. I think it's different.
Many questions arise in my mind thinking about it. Dividing men and women into different categories is not very sensible nowadays. Or better said,  it's not very modern. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

We're back. Not much luck with beach-weather, but it was still nice. Different air and moods. And the food! S is a wonderful cook, creating anything from nothing. It's always a treat for all senses to travel up there. Driving back was hard though, from 11am to 18.30 pm being on our way. I'll have to hurry up and do my licence! :)

Monday, June 16, 2014

There's a chance that doing my own make-up for the wedding might be a disaster (haven't had practise for almost two years), or letting a pro do it, so that my relatives and friends probably won't recognize me. (Has happened, for real! Looking later at pictures going "who's that?":))). A little thing beside the big stuff.
I must say, that last year, when our friends got married and on the hen night (it was actually a day and more like making-stuff-for-the-wedding event) the bride was asked about her make-up and she said, that there won't be any. Ohohoh!.. all girls where like "Nooo! You must! OMG!", of course: me too. I remember offering kindly and strongly to help out. Now as i'm on the other side, i get it. Let's leave make-up aside for now. Getting married, having a wedding is a universal kind of thing, it's like this meme, no one really knows exactly how it's like, but when we see it, then we either recognize it as "right" or we don't. As in "seeing it" i mean speaking of it. Because being in a wedding we associate it the people involved and take it as what it is in that moment of time, but in words explaining and picturing it, is difficult. There is a lot of "no" going on. Or rather "it ain't right". "It doesn't feel right".
In the end my friend looked pretty on her wedding day. Did she put on mascara or not, wasn't important, the focus was somewhere else. She did it the way she felt was comfortable and right for her, and it was. Now, i'm a bit sorry that she had to defend herself from our avalanche-like make-up advice. You did great!
Conclusion? No conclusion. It is surely not the only topic this applies to. It's always interesting to change the angle - a lot more pops out.

Have a great week!
We'll be heading to some island fun this week! Vacation-time!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Yesterday i got really overwhelmed by all this panning stuff. But that sort of reality-check was a good thing (i will be probably like tomorrow, or somewhere in the future thinking that way). We went to see the place of the party and well, memory can play tricks on everyone. Everything looked unlike the way i imagined/remembered. Now, we need a tent, a good one, and in a totally different place. But where? Lights? *holding my head with both hands*
Since we have family helping out, that's a good thing. Just need to get my head around it all again, find some enthusiasm and someone to tell me that my ideas are neat too. ^_^  Honestly, there is no such thing as keeping it simple. People around us have expectations and we kind of don't want to let them down either. Blaah. 
That is one of the biggest flaws in this project, that we get stressed out. I planned on going to do it with a leisure attitude: It's a party and i'm going to enjoy myself. I wish to do so even now, while planning. I hope to make it my mantra. Keeping up my creative touch and keeping my pace of running things. Since i don't know anyone who'd say that worrying was totally helpful :))

In less than three months we're going to change countries for two years. There's pleeenty to do. I like that. It's my secret joy thinking about it. It's going to be a great challenge and that makes me kind of smile.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Because i like weird pictures.

The thing i love about this wedding-planning are the RSVP calls and emails. They are full of joy,  laugher and love. 
The technical stuff aside, it can't get any more creative than that. Hopefully our ideas find their realization and everyone will have a good time.

Right now i'm sitting on our porch and the light and clouds in the sky are intense. Took a picture with my eyes. Memorypicture. A thunderstorm on its way?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

For the past two Sundays i've been sick and it all started with some raw-food pumpkin cake and ended up with food-poisoning. It's a relief that we finally found a babysitter: someone we know already as a friend. Certain invitations found their envelopes and i'm able to heal myself from it all, that has decided to attack me from raw food to sour throat.

Nothing is quite done yet. And nothing goes really according to plan. Something i should get used to? I'm starting to understand why people only do it once :)))) 
Alright, now it's time to look for some encouragement in the web, what else is there...