Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Photo from July 2015. Summertime. The heatwave in Europe brought up some heavy fog. Flights were canceled and guiding was...well... interesting: "And now, when you look to your right, there you see a... well you don't see it, but it's there, belive me." :)
It's been a long, long day. And i need to plan another one ;)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Photo taken  25th march 2015. What a view...!
I did scedule my posts for the weekend and instead of adding something to the old one, i just scedule another one for Monday. Im smiling, thinking of how tomorrow morning me and the boys just gonna stay home. Mihkel had a little cold during saturday, so we let the body rest a bit more and a monday without the hurrying.... this could be actually nice. Fingers crossed!
The clocks were turned again; goodbye summertime and hello wintertime and hello kids waking up at 5 am. Yes. Hello.
I hope this new week is going to be a really good one! 
Last week felt like i did a leap. Being inspired and thinking things over, probably thinking thinks too much, but even that realization is worth some credit. 
Trust yourself!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Photo from February 2015. There is another Ted talk i've been quite exited about: how to learn anything (in 20 hours). And i so liked his homepage status (http://joshkaufman.net/contact/ ), as he seems to really cherish his family.

I already know what i want to do these 20 hours! 

Monday-monday, come fast!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Photo from february 2014. I keep on going with my random photo game for now, since the camera is still traveling the world, but it will be back soon, and hopefully i can continue with my photography challange. Why? Im not quite sure. I guess im looking for something right now and things like that make you focused. 

There is a conversation i remember with my friend Mike about paths and the feeling of success. Should we do something where we have the constant little feeling of success or should we be on a road where it is unlikely to attain this feeling of accomplishment probably for a long time? Could one handle that? The road with roses seems like a better choice. And then again, i think Mike is doing now something completly different, as following that dream. So what happened? :)

I was looking for a Ted talk i was reccomended to, but found this one instead. Just the title itself is making me smile: happy maps. And altho this is about actual maps and routes in cities, it could be applied to life as well. 

My september is almost over, i can feel the blues going away. It's time to do, what i need to do and the rest will just fall in place. But before that my home has to return to me ^^ 
Waiting for monday ;)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Day 6.
Taken 4th okt 2014.
I didn't forget my blog, but i got sick, so it was not on my priority list, but i still try to keep up.
Have a nice weekend!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

As my camera is travelling to meet someone nice who's going to clean it up, am i really just posting what i can find. I still tryed to edit the dust out friday, but it became just to timeconsuming and nerverecking; here's a break from the 30day photography challange but trying to post a picture a day, since that's what i originally planned. 

For an awesome monday!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day4 Texture
Being lazy towards internet today, but busy in life, yey!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Day3. Black and white.
My camera sencor has dust on it!?!?!?!?!? waaah-waah!

Snow, finally-finally! It's amazing how it soothes ones heart, this white magic blanket of joy ^___^

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Photo taken on the 9th oktober, 2015
I was going for the rule of thirds, but it's slightly off. Nevertheless. Stunning.
Just imagine if i were a real photographer with a reeeeally good camera and awesome skills... just imagine :)
Todays plan: concuring norwegian language 
“How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?”
Thomas Edison: “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” 

Have a good day! Lets do some steps!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Im thinking of posting every day one photograph as part of a 30 day challange to take one every day, but i also might include some older ones, since... well... it's just getting really dark here, really fast :)
See you soon!
There have been more recent updates on my instagram account ;)
See you soon!