Saturday, October 24, 2015

Photo from february 2014. I keep on going with my random photo game for now, since the camera is still traveling the world, but it will be back soon, and hopefully i can continue with my photography challange. Why? Im not quite sure. I guess im looking for something right now and things like that make you focused. 

There is a conversation i remember with my friend Mike about paths and the feeling of success. Should we do something where we have the constant little feeling of success or should we be on a road where it is unlikely to attain this feeling of accomplishment probably for a long time? Could one handle that? The road with roses seems like a better choice. And then again, i think Mike is doing now something completly different, as following that dream. So what happened? :)

I was looking for a Ted talk i was reccomended to, but found this one instead. Just the title itself is making me smile: happy maps. And altho this is about actual maps and routes in cities, it could be applied to life as well. 

My september is almost over, i can feel the blues going away. It's time to do, what i need to do and the rest will just fall in place. But before that my home has to return to me ^^ 
Waiting for monday ;)

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