I remember i did this list of things, that i wanted to do, when i was writing my papers for the uni. So now i look at it and must say, that im doing quite good.
- I wanted to organize all of my drawers, but especially the two big ones and i got them done, yey!
- make some granola!- July has been a granola month indeed :)
- write letters and emails to friends. - This one i should do more, there are some addresses that still need love, but im working on it!
- meet up with friends!- Yeah! Time flies, when you're having fun!
- make rhubarb-orange jam - What i did was a strawberry-rhubarb jam! One jar as a (part of a) present for our friends wedding.
- order shea-or cocobutter and make my own bodybutter. - Done! Love both. Added coconut- and sea-buckthorn-oil and i have found my favorite cosmetic product.
- find cute and nature-friendly toys, and make a crochet- mouse, like the one i had, when i was little :)) - i have made three, two as a present, and the third one might also find a new friend :D since cars are the greatest things here. But i've found some cute wooden cars as well.
- cook! like jamie oliver (: - i have a long way to go...
- watch the film "Samsaara" - it was beautiful and one of the saddest films i've seen. And definitely something i'd want to read more about, about the places and frames that were shown. And im intrigued to watch other movies, that the same people have made.
- get a dress for our friends wedding and a cardigan. Done halfway, because the part with the cardigan was/is tricky, since it's not cardigan season in the stores (that's what happens when stores all over Europe sell the same things)...the weather here... hmmm, yeah, it's not Italy obviously.
- to read a book - it's going slow, but it's going! I took on quite a big task to myself, but im glad i did, even reading a page, makes a day kind of brighter :)
TedTalks are always fun. Here is one, you've might have seen, but i'll post it anyway. It's about being wrong. ;)
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