Friday, October 24, 2014

Hei! Hello!
Hi! Shouldn't you not be here?

Taken out of context, isn't it strange. Didn't you move?/Shouldn't you be somewhere far away? Seconds later my apologetic rush would kick in and i would start telling how my husband came for work, how we came along to visit family, how it's only for two weeks. Feeling like the object of "What's wrong in this picture" section. 

So, home, where are you?
It's not where it used to be. And it's not quite here yet. But, as we drove back up Sukkertoppen from the airport, Juss said "our Svalbard" and invited our local friend D over to visit us in "our Svalbard". It was funny, sweet and somewhat surprising. He picked it up from all the invitations we have made to familymembers and friends. And he must have felt homesick too. 

I realize that i write in questions. That's how i start. There are topics i'm not sure about, not sure what to think of them, wanting to lean to all directions before finding the balance somewhere in between, or on a side, who knows. It unfolds best in a conversation, like a dance, like improvisation with a partner who catches the impuls and follows it further to return something new and see where it goes from there. 
I miss questions. In a world of statements, where a question easily becomes critisism or a sign of ignorance. I question myself.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

August '14 @karula

Some photos from August. Recently the camera is something that is just weight in my bag, since i hardly get the chance to take it out.
We've been out there for five weeks before coming back for two weeks for Martins job. He's working and me and the boys hang out with friends and family. It's been pretty nice, exept that im down with a cold, but i keep up, no matter :)

Now, thinking: five weeks. When we arrived it was amazement, we walked around eyes wide open and a grin. The first week the mountains looked two dimensional, and i felt not really there yet, as if they had forgotten some of my mind in Tromso while getting off and on the same plane. Thats when i learned that having less handluggage (items) is a lot better, when with kids.
The second week i remember walking down the road and calling my friend and being utterly saticfied. Im in the freaking Artic and im having a conversation with someone close - how cool is that.
On the third one Martin was on sea and that was a hard week. As it was my first time with two kids alone, it came too quikcly in an unknown environment. The weather played a role, as going outside was  tricky, because of the storm. And here i do have a elaborate supportsystem of people and places. There it was just the livingroom for most of the time. But it was tough on Martin too, i think. We did our best. Therefore the fourth week we just recovered and then started kindergarten... 
... and as soon as we arrived in Tallinn my body said: dear, we're home, let it all out. Thus soar throat and a blocked nose.
When we go back it'll be the beginning of the dark season. Interesting. How will we manage? But in other aspects we are kind of returning home. It's an interesting flip i didn't think of. I'm with the kids on vacation, as strange as it sounds. 

We're like crazy here with food, eating at least one red onion a day and  greens, reds, yellow in between!

Have a good week! See you around!