Wednesday, May 29, 2013



Dandelion syrup - the reason i forgot my second last painting-class. 
After reading this recipe, i was hooked. I see a bright yellow dandelion field from all our windows and was determined to try it out. Of course you can't use the flowers from the city, therefore we headed to the countryside. On a not so sunny Sunday. The thing is, that if i try to add something new to my everyday routine (like making this syrup) it's with the cost of sleep. But anyways. This yellow gold is gorgeous, smells great and tastes sweet as honey. 

Now we only need to find the time and energy to make pancakes, so we could actually use this up :)

Being in the countryside made us also realize something about life in the city. We both want to hang out more in the woods and fields, outside with nature. But a one-day-trip is rather a haste through it all. Not being completely relaxed, looking at the clock, to see what time we should be heading back, doesn't make our little boy relaxed either. And when he finally got to like the long grass, it was time to go.
Our friends who tried living in the countryside, gave it up after one summer, because they'd rather miss the country, than live there and miss the city. That is a good point. But i guess, we also don't want to give up a dream without trying. We need to find it out ourselves. 

(The blue topping is made by me, the two others by a friend. Charming, right!)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

This is a subject i have thought about, just to prepare me for the future, theoretically. Even read this great book "Siblings Without Rivalry". But now, it's getting bit more real and i find myself a little lost, because i don't have any kind of experiance in it.
Im talking about siblings. How it's like, when the parents come home one day/night with a new baby? I find it a scary situation and wondering how to handle this the best way i could.
And well, im not the only one. Luckly :)

In the blog of A cup of Jo, there is a post: How do you prepare your older child for a new baby? It's exactly about this fear of what will happen and Jo asks people to leave comments about it. Reading those has already given some ideas of how to deal with this upcoming situation. Im hoping to put some of the advice aside for the coming autumn.

One of the things is surely getting that book out again. From the two  books i've read from Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish (my first one, second one, written in reverse order), "Siblings without Rivaly" was more smooth. I enjoyed it a lot. And it's not only for parents about how to deal with children/siblings, it can also help understanding relationships, that have gone in a wrong direction and how to, perhaps, mend them. Or at least, understand them.

Then i liked the idea of this 5-minute game to make your child feel loved. I'd wish that for myself too :)

Also reminding people (friends, family) that they should pay some extra attention to the older sibling, rather than rushing to get to see the new baby. People advise even little presents to the "new big sister/brother" and a sincere conversation. How it'll work in real life? Text people, before they come over?... Hm.

New toys and books were also mentioned. Lately im obsessed to find and make awesome toys for Juss. Firstly, to replace all that plastic, that has found it's way into our home, and secondly, there are so many adorable, beautiful, beautiful and cool toys out there! (this is probably the hormones talking, right?)
How to restrain myself and hide the new beauties?

See, still questions over questions. That's the fun part of life!

Monday, May 20, 2013


Le week-end! 

While i was totally rejuvenated after my painting class, still got some paint in my hair. Sunday felt so much like Saturday, that i posted "have a nice weekend", right? Can't believe, that it's already a new week starting. But even when there was just one day of the weekend, we still had some fun times. The weather is just great! An Italian friend said, that spring is finally here, yey! .. and i said, this is Summer! but what will happen in summertime? Because, to be honest, it can't get any better from this.

So, let's enjoy while it lasts. 

For students, of course, this is like torture. Probably after the last exam, it will rain for a while then:)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

This photo is taken by Hirohisa, when he was visiting us in the end of January. I'd recommend to take a look around his website, because I've for sure have found one of my favorite photographers in him. There are gorgeous colors with some unfamiliar yet known reality. Have fun looking around!

As for this picture:  Don't you just think, that you could easily put another baby there? Like the compositon would only win from it ;)!

Have a nice weekend!

Friday, May 17, 2013

There's been alot on my mind lately. And i see it in a positive light.
As i haven't written any personal e-mails recently, im not really in the receiving end as well. It's a pity, but i understand. Im thinking of you with happy thoughts :)

When i was born and raised, the circumstances where completely different, the philosophy of life it self was. So i find myself in constantly explaining things, that for me sound and feel so natural. Further, the way women were treated while giving birth... from today's view, i'd say, it was violence. And to tell my mother how awesome was Juss birth, is just such a gift, altho she listens skeptically, i think. 
I've always  known that i broke my collarbone, when i was born. "I broke it". As i told this to a fellow mom (of 5 children), she laughed and asked if i then dropped on the floor or how else could I have broken that bone. Now i know, that the midwife did it, just to get me out faster. A regular procedure. Like in a factory. I was shocked. Even my mom didn't know that, because the only thing that the nurse told her, was that "the baby had broken her collarbone". Midwives today don't do it, because they know better: there is a slight pause after the baby's head is born, so that the baby can turn his/her shoulders, that come after, with another push. The womb just takes a little siesta before that final one. And if everyone is okay, why would anyone even give birth in that horrible bed anyway. Even moms can't beat gravity :)!
That's why we sceduled a midwife we knew and trusted. It did cost some money, but as people spend more averagely on parties, sports-ecuiptment and other stuff, why not invest in your own (first) child's birth, to make it a beautiful, intimate and pleasant happening?
There was a time we even considered homebirth, but to be honest, i really liked the three days in the hospital.... we didn't need to do anything, we could just look into these awesomely blue eyes. And me and the little one were treated mostly very nicely. Then again, i have never feared doctors or hospitals. But i know some people do.

So, it could've not been more different, than even those first moments as a mother, that experience in the 80es and in  2012. And it goes on.

I'll just make a list of things my mom and other grannys, as i found out from other new moms, don't really "get" or have a hard time to get used to, as it seems so new-age (?):

- The familybed. Martin built last summer this big bed, so we could all have enough room to sleep. We also have a baby/child-bed... but we really don't use it. It is installed next to the big one, but Juss goes there just to hang out sometimes, but sleeps in the big one. He'll "move out" when he's ready :)

- Baby lead weaning. "I never let you eat like this. Porridge flying around and all!" said my mom, when Juss tried to figure out how to get that porridge out of the bowl, using spoon and hands (mostly hands :P), but after some seconds she added "It was a big trouble to get you eat right. To learn to use the spoon. I thought it'll never happen". I just smiled at that point.

- The cocoon. Some babies like to be "tied up". They feel safe. But. Not all :) We like to stretch and fight every blanket there is.

- The baby sling. Without it i could have not been there, when Matin got his PhD and the banquet after that. A once in a lifetime event!

- Public nursing. This is a topic i could write a novel about, because i really get fired up on it. If your child is hungry, how can you not feed it? With the best quality milk, specially designed for your baby. The other party says then, you should stay at home. Yeah, i think too, that 6 months staying at home doesn't cause some emotional distress and depression?! I've noticed that people saying things like that, are not mothers, or if so, have issues about their body. Which is sad. There are so many cover-up things invented for people, who feel embarrassed. Which is again sad, because we live in a society, that has some disturbed sence about breasts. They aren't just sex-toys or commercial equipment to sell things, they are actually useful :P

 Hm, i guess im in the end of my "tirade". 

Today we imagined how we look like, when we get older and older, in a sense of how our appearance will change, or will it? Suits, dresses, casual, chic?
"Probably we'll be looking like old hippies."
"Unless, it's a marathon."


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dienstage sind so schwer, nicht wahr? 
Dieses Gefühl nach dem Seminar, als hätte man sich wieder mal tausendfach blamiert, drückt auf dem Nachhauseweg die Schultern nach vorne und die Augen haften dann am Asphalt. Ah, wieder ist so viel Gefasel aus mir wie raus explodiert. Warum habe ich diese Gedanken nicht zu hause und formuliere sie in kluge Ausdrücke? So einfach. Ein Satz. Das war's! Und könnte still die zwei Stunden sitzen, wie ein gebildeter Student, Mensch. Nicht wie eine Gesprächs bedürftige Hausfrau.

Womöglich bin ich ein Dialog-Mensch. (In dem Fall ist die monologische Existenz dieses Blogs ein skurriler Sonderfall?). Ich genieße es im Gespräch zu sein, ein Thema zu diskutieren, Impulse zu bekommen, die gleich neue Ideen und Gedanken hervorrufen. Es ist wie Tischtennis! Spannend, Interessant, ein Spaß!
Allerdings... uhh. ..wenn die Lehrkräfte danach leise diskutierend den Raum verlassen.Wie auf Zehenspitzen.

Zum "Glück" bin ich nicht allein derjenige, der dieses Gefühl manchmal hat, einfacher macht's aber auch nicht.

Dies gehört jetzt zu der Rubrik Pseudoprobleme. Schultern zucken, und weiter!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's day!

And all women, mother or not, have a great day, with alot of love and sweetness. 
But call your mom, sleep in, eat breakfast in bed, take a long walk, read, dance. 
Kiss life on the lips, gratefully. :)
For the moms sake (:

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Alles ist grün geworden. Wie durch Nacht. Am Nachmittag jagen die Spatzen sich quer durch den Garten, von einem Busch zum anderen. Sie haben genügend Futter und deshalb Zeit für Streitigkeiten, sagt Martin. Die Jungvögel zwitschern in unmöglichen Registern, bald, nach einer weile erst, werden sie wie ihre Eltern klingen. Dann kratzt ihre Stimme nicht mehr das menschliche Gehör, sondern fließt harmonisch durch die Ohren. Verschwindet im Stadtrummel, das irgendwann zur Stille wird. Manchmal erweckt eine Sirene die Aufmerksamkeit, den Schlaf der Ohren. Der Wald ist dann irgendwie komisch still, weil er es nicht ist. Voller Stimmen. Und wie durch Furcht ist die eigene dann am stärksten. Als müsste man jetzt Allem einen Namen geben. Die gelben sind Windröschen? Da sang wohl der Buchfink? Siehst du? Hörst du? Und wie nennt man dies?

Wie das Geschwätz der Spatzen.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Yes, as you might have feared, having a new camera means, that i'll be overflowing you here with pictures for the next month or so, until i develop some sence of measure and self-restraint. Until then, i'll just ask you to bare it for a while :)

Last weekend was busy and fun. On saturday there was a big May-fair in town, we got to buy some nice breads and delicious root-beer. In the afternoon we drove to a birthdayparty and got to have a nice time in the woods. On sunday we had a party for Juss. It was originally planned to be a grill-party outside in the backyard, but the weather playd a trick on us with some strong, cold wind. The guests were many and the indoors was small, but it was a great party. Being close together makes people connect easlily :)



Monday, May 6, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

Im having some summermoods :)

Tonight we plant some tomatos! It will be a great weekend.
What are you up to? 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

My friend, who does some photography, lauged hard, when i told him, that after recieving the new camera, i took it out of the box the first night, ... and put it right back in; went to bed and had a nightmare about photographing. Shutter speed and iso and lens opening (huh?) options - im just starting to get it, veery slowly. I felt more secure with the old zenit, mostly because it wasn't so speedy, i felt i had time. But the digital thing keeps me somewhat pressured, maybe because i see the picture right away on the display? Because it has so many options? I don't know.
Here are some first attempts at home. (Before Hannes explaned me some of the stuff and realized i had the wrong program on :)))

That aside, i feel lately that there is not enough time, and even if, i wouln't have any energy anyways to actually do the stuff i need to do. There are constantly dishes to be washed, floors to be cleaned, multiple-multiple times a day, uncountable glasses of water/juice/porrige spilt on the capret, and then, when it's time for bed and you look back at your day... it's like a black whole. Like the walls are moving in. Usually i don't feel that way, but my mom just put me down with some "you should do more", "when i was having you, then"-phrases. I know that all of it is not true, since i was there, but it hurt. And now i feel a certain resistance for it all.

And in the end, the house is still a big mess of toys, snacks, clothes, books,.. you name it. I get it now why they put the "desperate" infornt of the "housewives". 

My conclusion, A conclusion... would be... none. It might be this gap between generations, where moms from the 80thies remember trying hard to be perfect and wonder why now we  don't live like the people from home&garden magazine? 'Cos we have like all the opportunities, right? So in the end some unwashed cups demolish all other efforts. Maybe i should just shock her with an annoucment that i quit university, since it takes away the time i need to do the dishes. ;)

The best advice is given, when asked - i hope i can keep that in mind, even when sixty.

Since all work and no play can lead to somesort of holydays in the mountains (see, what i did here :P), we still have sunny moments, like these and these and these. Thanks A, for shooting :)