Sunday, September 29, 2013

The best playground ever

Beard-moss, indicator for clean air

The spotted woodpecker didn't pay us any attention. It was too delicious perhaps.

The idea of a forest-kindergarden is winning me over day by day. Being out there is such a treat.
Have a good Sunday!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Our Indian summer ended just according to the calendar: after the 23th it was over with the light jackets and summer-shoes. But you still got to love autumn for it's riches. 
Life here is quite calm at the moment. Still sewing something, here and there putting stuff away or getting it out. It's calm. Tries to be.

But an advice for all the pregnant ladies : lie about your due date, lie about it early on. Then you won't get calls form people (who might call you otherwise twice a year) asking questions as "are you're done yet", or "when will you".  Lie to your friends and family (not the dad, of course :)). Just push the date with a satisfied heart two-three weeks ahead. I dearly regret not doing it this time.

Curiosity killed the cat, as the saying goes, but i can say, that it can taint a friendship for a while. Or at least, the person involved will be stressed and annoyed and usually friends don't have that as a goal, right?

However, when you're like suffering form not knowing and can't live otherwise at all, may there be whatever reason, then don't call the pregnant lady, but some other friend, who might be closer (and if they don't know, then it hasn't happened yet) or the spouse.

For the sake of vanilla- ice-cream, it'll happen, when it happens!
♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Here's an article i didn't read through, but liked the last paragraph:

Looking back, this is what I would tell laboring women, and anyone else who throws doubts at the extreme task we are set. We have ample counsel on how to do this, and it comes from the world of adventure. That is how labor should be viewed — as a solo sail around the Horn, as a free climb, as a trip into the void. How do women do it? We do it the way Eric Newby did it. The way Josh Slocum did it. The way Edmund Hillary did it. Sometimes, when things go badly wrong, the way Robert Falcon Scott did it. Breath by breath. Tack by tack. Foot over foot, until we reach the summit. Just exactly in that way.

Our Sunday had some adventures too. Different kind.
When we were outside it started to rain quite heavily, but as we got home, it was raining inside as well. That was a surprise!
The attic is being rebuilt and ... as of, there is not much roof above our apartment apparently. But the construction-workers came some hours later and did some covering, so at least in the evening there was no dripping sound coming from anywhere. Our neighbors had the same fate as we, but a bit worse, as they might have to replace some of their ceiling. But i hope not, 'cause their too awaiting a baby and are soon moving to a house with their older toddler and awaiting new tenants - enough in their hands as there is.

It is really autumn! Can't yet believe it...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Guess i have reached the point of parenting where sacrificing a roll of toilet-paper transforming into snow in the living-room, or the sock-drawer being reorganized with toy-cars and a dozen socks are lying around the floor for the sake of 10 minutes peace and quiet, have become everyday norm. Well, you'll kind of still feel the embarrassment, when sudden guests pop by, (like the landlord-lady), but porbably i'll get used to that as well. 

We got a running nose from a playmate last week and it's still stuck with us, now including me. And thus i'm dreaming of cheesy noodles or sushi or anything a bit fancy (read:something i didn't have to make myself)... and a vacation on a tropical island with seafood and a lot of sleep. Or a cleaning-lady for the weekend. Or a Mary Poppins. Dreams have become different now days, i've noticed ;)

 Have a great weekend! 
Don't let anyone sneeze on you!
Put a shiny chestnut in your pocket!


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Photos taken by my mom in August with her old canon soap-box:)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Days go by quickly. I'm still doing stuff, that i think needs to be done, but lately not so sure about  the order of significance (Toothbrush- holder versus earrings?) Or significance in general.
But I'm so thankful for starting prenatal-yoga again now in September:  that hour and a half give so much (if able to receive :)). I like the part of the personal nature, sitting in a circle and the talks after the meditation that we have before doing the asana. 

Anyway. I've had this book of a friend now quite a while. A year. And i kept it, because i wanted to write down some Quotes. Here and now seems like a perfect opportunity, to get it done. One thing less on my list. Juhuu!

"Of all nature's gifts to the human race,
what is sweeter to a man than his children?" - Cicero

"My father didn't tell me how to live;
he lived, and let me watch him do it." - Clarence B. Kelland

"We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give" - Winston Churchill

"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone 
could give another person, he believed in me." - Jim Valvano

"The most important thing that a father
can do for his children is to love their mother." - Hesburgh

"The greatest use of a life is to 
spend it on something that will outlast it." - William James

"Fathers, like mothers, are not born.
Men grow into fathers - and fathering is 
a very important stage in their development." - David M. Gottesman

These are from "Fathers-To-Be Handbook. A Road Map for the Transition to Fatherhood." by Patrick M. Houser. We kind of read it, i looked at some chapters and Martin did, and then we had some discussions about parenting, mostly about our own parents, fathers and father-figures. So we didn't really work through it, but i believe it's still a book worth looking into.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

You know the days, when stuff just goest a tiny bit the other way you planned it? And it keeps happening throughout the day? We had the idea to visit a (water)spa this saturday for my moms birthday, but found out it was being renovated standing by the counter, so we still went for the plain swimmingpool. Okay, no special saunas or bubblebaths and aromatherapy. We can handle that. We can have lunch an hour earlier too, it's okay. After that we planned to eat in the best (and only?) italian restaurant in town, just to find out, that on saturday mornings, you can meet people there, who haven't quite soberd up yet from fridaynight. We were there first, but were forced to leave the outside balcony, because a pregnant lady and a toddler aren't really enjoying  cigarette- and cigarsmoke from left and right, obvilously. But mostly, i didn't think it was time for Juss to learn some of those words, that were used quite loudly. Okay, we can sit inside as well. 
But the day just kept going on like that. Little cracks in my utterly perfectly planned day...

What do you do?
Well, i filled an old (ugly) vintage champagneglass with red orange-juice and ice, and ate the cake i absolutely said i wouldn't have before dinner. Wrote this post and spy on granny and Juss, who play in the garden, so i could do some chores (haha!).
Yes, it does feel good.

Have a smooth sunday!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's been three days, since i had to skip the lunchtime nap. Otherwise still trying to figure out, how i could have lunch with M during the day. This last weekend we also ruined our daily sleeping routine.. we're bad organizers or still too spontaneous? Then again, it's something that can be fixed, and an awesome day with happy parents and new exiting experiences seems to be worth it, from a kids perspective too.
I'll be waking up on a Sunday morning  with a request to drive to the recycle-center with a list of things we absolutely need (a suitcase, and champagne glasses!). An hour later we're driving direction animal-park - logic.
But i kind of enjoy this pregnancy-craziness. Stuff that feels right, probably is right, right? ;)

Now i just need to find a lamp, no, two lamps, a big container for porridge-material, a toothbrush-holder, a cotton shirt, a game for Juss and .... to be continued until there's room on the sheet.

Monday, September 2, 2013



Seems we have a tradition now in September. 
Happy Monday!