Sunday, April 20, 2014

That's almost how rosy i feel now, and that after a really hard week. The term "spring tiredness" just got really clear: it exists and is utterly unpleasant. But how to get rid of it?
It took a long and sunny weekend in our summer-capital, with sunsets and sunrises (Miki wakes up 5 am, so...) that remind our mind of carefree childhood summer days. And a couple of most chillaxed friends. That's what it takes.

But it's not always the case in life, where a sun and weekends and all other things just coincidentally work out.  Hence i have an idea, that might be useful in these kind of times:

First step is to stop. Stop stressing. A good friend had once told me, that the thing that makes us tired aren't the things we need to do, but thinking about them, worrying and stressing about them. Saying stop really isn't solving anything, but taking a break and moving in a totally different direction can be useful. So when i got an hour to do my important stuff, that has been stressing me out (and for what an hour is so little time really, even two), i just did the opposite and hung around my family. Okay, i admit, i bought a new lipstick as well and it made me happy, indeed. That minor event aside, letting it all fall for a moment, can be helpful. For a moment. (Because this is also the thing that has let assignments pile up until this moment)

The next step is to move on gradually, dividing it all into smaller assignments (if possible). Keeping record on what's done, rather than the pile of work that's waiting ahead, can give some feeling of achivement. And one of the interesting notations, that i have made, is to start near to your own self. Since it reduces stress and without stress other(s) problems seem more solvable. 

As i am home with a toddler and a baby, my everydaylife is sure different as are the assignments, problems, the stress and the worries. Some of them can never be turned off.  Yet some have stayed the same and them i have to work out in an altered way.

And what really helps? Sleep!

Good night! :)

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