Monday, April 7, 2014

I'm late! One day! :))
Here is what we did last weekend, in march: birdhouses. Martin got some old ones and put them up, they only needed a bit of fixing so they could be properly hanged on the branches. I think i mentioned it all in my previous post.

Last Friday it was party-time! I went to a birthday-party, late at night (pff... from 22 to midnight!)! It was almost awesome: i regret not eating much and being a bit tired and not doing much make-up. Then again, there was this moment i liked. Somehow i sat down with some of my friends there and then our conversation went on kids -  it kind of happened - there were two moms in the crowd! So one girl was like "Ookay... talking about children, i think i go and grab a vodka and not come back". It was funny. Because on one hand i regretted that as well: i came out of the house, so i'd like to be mentally also out of the household for a second. But. On the other hand, as fellow mom, who had hoped the same, said: "It's what we do day to day, it is our universe now", made that, what the girl had said more like: "Ookay... talking about YOUR life now? Mkm... not interested! Vodka!"

Moms: a sensitive crowd, nothing to say. 

Talking about that... ugh. I loooove the way people we meet ask me about the kids and then turn to Martin "And what are you up to these days?". It makes us both snort, because for him it's like he's not part of raising the boys and for me it sounds like I'm a nanny on a job-interview. 

On Wednesday had my driving-on-ice-lesson. Verb "to pirouette" has a new meaning from now on :)) I've had such luck with my driving-instructors: super nice and calm people. But how do they to it, a mystery.

It's Monday and the week is getting booked with stuff to do. See you on Sunday! (or maybe sooner!)

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