Tuesday, December 18, 2012

About the tree.
My grand idea was to go with Juss to the market and just buy one. Simple.
But as it's so cold outside, -12C (nearing -20 soon), adding the strong wind, it's not possible to make this trip. We are officially grounded. By the weather. Someone asked friends in facebook, if they should go out today and all responses were negative. Looking out the window... it's a shame, the light was gorgeous for photographs. Sparkling frost.

I'll just punish myself with christmastea and gingerbread and chocolate, okay!? :)

Do You have a tree at home?

EDIT: OH! I forgot to mention: Martins sister, same age as me, just got her truckdriving licence! So if you see a blond, slim girl, dressed in pink, driving a truck, it's probably my sister-in-law :D


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No Xmas tree at home... but I definitely have one. The same since 6 years. The one I brought (with its roots) from Sweden, still enjoying his stay in garden with a nice view on the Loire river ;-)

  3. Oh, Guillaume! :D Someday we visit you again in that beautiful place! I truly hope so!
