Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Just in case anyone is also suffering from a cold or even flu, here's a little energyboost recepie:

-one cup of cranberrys.
-half a cup of honey.
-and garlic (or onion.. as you prefer)  as much as you like. (but not more than a half a cup, i think, unless you'd like it really gingery (: )

I had one slice of lemon, two pieces of garlic and a half of a smaller ginger-root.

Mix it all together in a blender and voila! Done.
I just ate it with a spoon during the day, or with pancakes, or bread.
I got this recepie from my mom, to get better soon.

The best way to store cranberrys is in water and in the refigirator, not without the water in the freezer, because they could dry out there (yes, stuff dires aslo in the cold).

Hope you're good!

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